Client Testimonials

"The work of SMART Geographics is critical for socio-economic development locally and internationally. The ability for communities and organizations to understand data in this way will have a significant impact on our futures.

"Instead of trying to get funders, government agencies, and board members of NGOs to read pages of complex results, the impacts of social services and programming can be made apparent and simplified through the maps and analysis of SMART Geographics."

-- Barb Hinton, National Coordinator - World Urban Forum & World Youth Forum


"SMART Geographics added a location intelligence section to a major marketing plan for one of our clients. The customer and demographic analysis helped our client to better understand their municipal and regional market. Thanks for the this unique and informative analysis!"

-- Tade Credgeur, Senior Account Strategist - Indigo Ice Inc.  


"Location, location, location… as you know selecting a location for any business is important and even more so for retail! So many factors to consider such as: zoning, future development of the area, proximity to clientele, ease of parking, ease of access, visibility and most importantly demographics of the area."

"It is for this reason Naiomi that I am writing to THANK YOU and your company.  Together you provided me with tangible data that in turn assisted me in choosing my future location. This in addition to my own research has provided me with a clear road map! Thank You!"

-- Jo-Ann Vacing, CEO - Saucy Cucina Inc.


“There is a wealth of information out there that all kinds of businesses can use to improve their knowledge and performance regarding their product, their customers, and their environment. SMART Geographics helped us to tap into that market at a cost that I would consider is well within the marketing budget of most small businesses.”

-- Robbie McKee, Owner - Ready Steady Go Child Development Centre Inc.



Smart Geographics has helped me to analyze the future site of my retail store by providing corresponding maps that clearly outline where my competitors are located in Calgary – and at the same time, where my potential customers are located.  Together, this information helped to identify the quadrant of the city that my store should be located in.  Thanks to Smart Geographics, I know the area to focus on.”

-- Corinne Poffenroth, Owner/CEO - Sassy Couture  




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